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Queensland Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme

The Home Energy Emergency Assistance (HEEA) scheme is a safety net for eligible low-income households in Queensland. It is available for those experiencing problems paying their electricity bills.

Can the HEEAS Help me?

The Home Energy Emergency Assistance (HEEA) scheme is a safety net for eligible low-income households in Queensland. It is available for those experiencing problems paying their electricity bills.

If you’re experiencing short-term financial stress or emergency, the Queensland Government can provide financial assistance through the HEEA scheme. You’ll be provided with financial aid to help pay your current electricity bill.

We can also here to help if you’re feeling financial stress with a payment plan.

These are unprecedented times, and we are here to help. If you are struggling with paying your electricity bill, we can’t stress the importance of communicating with us; together, we can work through any financial stress you are experiencing.

Am I eligible?

You’re eligible for HEEAS if you: 

  • live at your principal place of residence;
  • are financially responsible for the payment of the bill;
  • are unable to pay your debt and are at risk of being disconnected;
  • hold a current concession card, or you’re on an LPE payment plan.
  • You might also be eligible if your base income is no more than the equivalent to the Commonwealth maximum income rate for part-age pensioners.

You will also need to have experienced one or more of the following in the past 12 months: 

  • a significant increase in electricity use because of unforeseen circumstances;
  • a significant decrease in income, or higher expenses you haven’t been able to avoid; a natural or family disaster, where it’s impossible to absorb the resulting expenses;
  •  the cost of shelter is more than 30% of the household income, or the cost of energy usage is more than 10% of the household income.

How do I get started?

If you need financial support and meet the criteria above, just call us on 1800 040 168 Monday to Friday, between 8:30am – 5:30pm, and ask about Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme (HEEAS).

We’re here if you need help.

We urge you to continue talking to us should you have trouble paying your bills; please contact us.

Monday to Friday 8:30am-5:30pm
Call us today on 1800 040 168

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